Pack 98's
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Parent Information
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Cub Scout Pack 98
(Lexington, Kentucky)
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Parent Information on Pack 98 Lexington Ky

Pack 98 knows that parents time is valuable and has a lot of activities competing for their time.  Our Den meetings on the first and third Tuesday are usually outdoor outings as weather permits to cut down on  the number weekends and other nights that are needed for scouts to earn outdoor advancements.  We do have weekend events occasionally, but many of our parents work weekends;so we try to save them for campouts and special occasions. Pack 98 schedules its parent /unit committee meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and leader training is at district round table on the 2nd Thursday of the month.  Our Pack meeting are the 4th/ or last Tuesday of the month except December.  During Covid 19 we are meeting in person and virtually.  We are working with each family who makes their own decisions as to when and how they participate.
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Parent Information Pack98 Spring Fall 2022.pdf Pack 98 Parent Information Packet Spring Fall 2022  

Troop 98B & Crew 98 is part of our Scout Family

Please see the information sheet attached if you have a scout age 11-18 that would like to experience Scouting BSA or our co-ed Venture for girls and boys 14-21.

Troop and Crew 98 share a website at T98B meets on Monday nights at 7 pm at the Scouthouse on Mitchell Ave.

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Billingual_Venturing_Postcards_Crew 98.pdf Venture 98 invitation  
TROOP REC2.pdf Troop and Venture Crew 98 information sheet 2 sided  


TROOP 98 G has been started by Rosemont Baptist and its founding members include girls who earned their Arrow of Light Rank in Pack 98.   Pack 98 is very pround of our scouts that have crossed over to Scout BSA Troop 98 G. 

If your child is a girl age 11 and over or is age 10 and earned her AOL you are welcome to join this Troop who love the outdoors and service projects.  They meet Wednesday at the Scouthouse  599 Mitchell Ave 40503  7:30-8:30 pm. Gathering activities will start as 7:15 pm. 

Sarah Hockensmith is Scoutmaster

Come Join the Fun! Contact our Scoutmaster for more information. 

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T98G flier 1.pdf Troop 98 G Tri fold flyer