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Cub Scout Pack 40
(Plymouth, Massachusetts)
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Past Events and Photos

Pack 40 strives to incorporate as much fun as possible while teaching the boys the core values of scouting !         
  Throughout the year we plan different events that include one or two overnight trips to such interesting places as
the Boston Museum of Science, the Charlestown Navy shipyard, the Buttonwood Zoo, Plimoth Plantation and Boy   Scout's Camp Squanto to name a few. In addition to these possible overnight visits, Pack 40 introduces boys to     learn by interactive participation through various field trips or even inviting organizations and individuals to visit   
our group in order to teach them interesting things.  We also incorporate the traditional scouting events such as a Blue and Gold banquet and the Pinewood Derby to keep it fun and bring our group closer together as a family        
through scouting.                                                                                                                                      
Scout Night @Providence Bruins game GO BRUINS!
 Field Trips to Go See   PAC-TV television studio                                   
      Plymouth Fire Dept.                                                                                                                             
       and Plymouth Police Dept.                                     
                          learning about our community is fun!                                                                                  
 The Ocean Explorium in New Bedford..                         ..a safety course at Martha's Bike Shop in north Plymouth
    One of the special guests that visited with pack 40 to teach us more interesting things was Portland, the          
  labrador retriever seeing eye dog !                                                                                                              
         Guiding Eyes for the Blind dog trainer w/ Portland                          
  Pack 40 visits the Boy Scout's Camp Squanto in Plymouth each spring for a weekend event called Chuckwagon     
                   The Boy Scouts of America's Camp Squanto campground located in Myles Standish State Forest         
                Go   Pack 40 !!             
 Each year cub scout groups from all over the south shore of Massachusetts participate at   'Chuckwagon'             
to challenge each other and the boys using fun scouting outdoor activities !         
                        These pictures and activities are just a FEW examples of the wonderful opportunities that our     
Boy Scouts of America's  Cub Scout program can offer your son !!  Please visit our link at the top of this website to find out how to join Pack 40 !