Pack 350's
Home Page
About Pack 350
Parents Guide
Pack Leaders
Leaders Resources

Cub Scout Pack 350
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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Welcome to Scouting!

Cub Scouting's volunteer leaders work with boys and their families to improve their communities by enriching the lives of the families who live there. Cub Scout leaders support the family. They take an active part in helping to strengthen families and their boys by providing a fun-filled, worthwhile program that teaches values.

Click here for access to information for all leaders, parents, and volunteers.

The Advancement Trail

On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses from rank to rank, learning new skills as he goes. Each of the ranks and awards in Cub Scouting has its own requirements. As you advance through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities you learn as you get older.

Click to view Advancement and Awards Information

Den Leader Resources

The resources in this section provide an overview of Cub Scouting, the basic facts about the program, its history, values, purposes, and more.

Click here for Leader information on Cub Scout Program

Cub Scouting's volunteer leaders work with boys and their families to improve their communities by enriching the lives of the families who live there. Cub Scout leaders support the family. They take an active part in helping to strengthen families and their boys by providing a fun-filled, worthwhile program that teaches values.

Click for Den Leader Resources including Meeting Plans!

Den Meeting Plans

Thank you for agreeing to be a den leader, filling one of the most important roles in Cub Scouting and helping a den thrive and grow. Without your help and leadership, the den cannot exist, the boy cannot be served, and the pack cannot be sustained.

Click here for Den and Pack Meeting Plans Resources

Click here for individual advancement records, attendance records, awards, and den-specific forms