Pack 191's
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2019-2020 Calendar
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Cub Scout Pack 191
(Avondale, Pennsylvania)
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Duty to Country

We start every Pack Meeting and every Den Meeting by presenting the United States Flag and performing the Pledge of Allegiance.


At Pack 191 we have a flag retirement ceremony, camp out and then march in the West Grove Memorial Day Parade every year.  We teach our scouts the importance of Duty to Country.

Pack 191 would like to thank all that have served!

    Flag Retirement Ceremony         Memorial Day Parade 

Fun and Games!

Pack 191 is very active.  Scouts are exposed to a wide variety of games and sports at Pack and Den Meetings.  Siblings are welcome to take part in the festivities.


The Pine Wood Derby is fun for the entire family.



Achievements & Awards

Pack 191 encourages scouts to complete requirements and continue to advance along the scouting trail.  Badges are awarded to recognize advancement and boys like to receive and wear these badges.


Year Round Fun

Pack 191 is active year-round and there is at least one major event for our scouts in every month:
January - Pine Wood Derby
February - Blue and Gold Celebration of Scouting Banquet
March - Webelos Weekend
April - Spring Pack Overnight Trip
May - Cabin Camp Out, Flag Retirement Ceremony, Memorial Day Parade
June - Summer Day Camp
July - Camp Xtreme, Resident Camp at Camp Ware
August - Welcome new scouts!
September - Pack Carnival
October - Fall Pack Overnight Trip
November - Scouting for Food
December - Holiday Pack Meeting