Museum Visit for Pack 110 - the Children's Museum will be open ONLY for pack 110 on March 23, 2019 at 9:30 AM to Noon.
Children's Natural History Museum
managed by Math Science Nucleus
4074 Eggers Drive, Fremont, California
- Please see recommended reading here
Special events for Pack 110:
- A scavenger hunt (earn a prize)
- Presentations at 10, 11 by paleontologists or archaeologist
- sorting Morocco fossils and earning a real 55 million year old shark tooth
- make a "clam" to compare with our new Ocean - Past and Present Exhibit
- explore dig sites
Price would be $8 per person with a min of 50 people
Please RSVP by Mar 19th 2019, if you plan to attend, as the Museum requires a minimum headcount of 50 to keep it open for Pack 110